Discover our mission.

at roots therapy, we value…

  • Safety

    Therapy is a vulnerable experience, and having a supportive environment where clients feel comfortable enough to let their guards down is crucial. By creating a safe and  welcoming environment, true healing can take place. Our commitment to safety ensures that clients feel supported and cared for every step of the way.

  • Community

    Community is vital in the  journey towards self-discovery and healing. Clients are encouraged to share their stories, experiences, and perspectives, with their therapists to help them gain new insights about themselves. We prioritize being a space where individuals can connect and grow together.

  • Beauty

    A beautiful therapy experience is crucial for allowing clients to fully engage in the therapy process. Additionally, we encourage clients to strive towards living an elevated life, one that is full of meaning, purpose, and joy. By focusing on the beauty of life, we aim to help our clients find a more fulfilling existence.

Couples having therapy

Founded in hope

Roots Therapy is a safe and supportive counseling practice where clients can explore the underlying roots of their struggles and achieve growth towards a beautiful life. We were founded by Licensed Professional Counselor Nicole Lyon and Caleb Lyon. The Lyon’s heart behind creating Roots Therapy was to foster an environment that felt warm and welcoming for individuals to discover themselves alongside a supportive community of qualified providers. 

Modern therapy office with cozy chairs


When deciding on where to build Roots, it seemed fitting for the Lyons to choose Smyrna since it has been their home for the last seven years. Roots believes that community is a vital part of the healing journey. The Lyons wanted to create a warm, inviting, and safe environment for individuals in the community to come and experience a better version of themselves.